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2012 Polish Yearbook of International Law vol. XXXII

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Rok wydania2012



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periodyk wydany wraz z Instytutem Nauk Prawnych oraz Komitetem Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk The Polish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal published since 1966. The major focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law. Each volume of the PYIL also includes legal bibliography of Polish authors publishing in the above areas. The new volume (XXXII) includes an article by Prof. Sadurski on the problem of democratic legitimacy in the European Union. This is followed by Prof. Kwiecień’s article which enquires into the issue of sovereignty of States in the context of the legitimacy of international law. The article by Prof. Fitzmaurice explores the legal and philosophical concepts underlying the foundations of international environmental law (e.g. principles of the common heritage). In a very personal article (which sometimes sounds like real manifesto for environmental sustainability), Prof. Vieira discusses changes in system of global governance necessary to cope with the challenges connected with climate change. Prof. Wyrozumska analyses the practice of Polish courts with respect to attachment and debt enforcement from an embassy’s bank account. Other texts include an article on the rules of international law applicable to the sovereign debt crisis (by Prof. de Jonge); analysis of the recent ICC Lubanga Reparations Decision (Prof. Swart); assessment of the legality of overseas use of drones under the framework of European Convention of Human Rights (Drs. Bodnar and Pacho), and an article on the ICC’s practice with regard to arrest warrants (Dłubak). The new volume also includes a series of articles presented at the conference “Limits of the Security Council Powers”, which was organized in Warsaw in January 2013 by ILA Poland in cooperation with the Institute of Law Studies. Prof. Arcari looks at the question of limits of Security Council powers as a problem of UN Charter interpretation; Prof. Fernandez Sola analyses the role of the European Union in the UN system (as a form of enforcement agency), and Prof. Richter inquires into the problem of judicial review of Security Council decisions. Two other contributions discuss the applicability to the Security Council of rules on the responsibility and accountability of international organizations (Prof. Sturma) and the obligations of the Security Council with respect to war crimes and genocide (Prof. Zimmermann).

TematykaPrawo Książki dla praktyków


Rok wydania2012